Let Tara tell you exactly what you need to know and what you need to do to overcome any career uncertainties, health problems, relationship issues or financial difficulties you may be facing. This book gives very specific advice on exactly what amulets to wear, what mantras to use and what to decide when faced with a dilemma.
Let Tara tell you exactly what you need to know and what you need to do to overcome any career uncertainties, health problems, relationship issues or financial difficulties you may be facing. This book gives very specific advice on exactly what amulets to wear, what mantras to use and what to decide when faced with a dilemma.
- SKU: 002000200248
- Width: 1.3 cm
- Height: 19.0 cm
- Length: 12.6 cm
- No. of Pages: 188
- Publisher: Konsep Books (Jan 2011)
- Language: English
- ISBN: 978-967-329-067-3
*The above measurements are all approximate.