Feng Shui Numerology
Feng Shui Numerology
Feng Shui Numerology

Feng Shui Numerology

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Don’t let the numbers define you but instead you define the numbers to work for you!

This workshop is design for students to learn to be creative with numerology based on the Greek numeral system with Feng Shui Lou Shu numbering. The combination becomes a powerful system that can calculate the true meaning of each name and what the number represents. Students will also learn how to co-relate each number, logo design and creative ways to disperse bad numbers with elements and colours. How to make your business card work for you, make a name sell and be famous will also be taught together with the essential of basic feng shui to make it even more effective.

Class Duaration: 4 hours
Intakes : to be advice

Principles of M-numero

- Introduction to numerology

- The Greek method

- The Feng Shui method

- The Combination


- Alphabets vs. Numbers

- Definition of numbers

- Calculation of names and numbers

- The importance of first, last and overall

- Decrypting the meaning

Elements, Shapes and Colours

- The five elements

- Colours and shapes

- The cycle of five elements

- Creative ways with elements

- Enhancing and suppressing numbers

Logo Design

- Why is logo design important?

- Creative ways with numero

- Using logo the correct way

- Business card design and meanings

- Case studies

Basic Feng Shui

- Intro to Feng Shui

- What is the Life Trigram?

- How to calculate the life trigram Gua

- Definition of Gua numbers

- Elements and characteristic of each Gua

- The eight compass directions

- Pairing relationships and meanings for each Gua

- Eight Life Aspirations

Subject Information

Pre-Requisites: None

Language & Course Material:

This subject is conducted in English and workbook will be provided for students.

Recognition & Next Step

Upon successful completion of subject, you will receive a Certificate of Expert in M-Numero Course.