Monkey on Elephant

Monkey on Elephant

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In Feng Shui, elephants enjoyed charismatic status in South East Asia, symbolizing stature, wisdom and courage. Elephant in Chinese “Hsiang” sounds like Prime Minister hence is believed to bring good morals, strength and all the qualities of a good leader. It is considered most auspicious to have an elephant grace your home. Monkey is well known as intelligence animal. It always thinks quicker and come out with solution. So, both combinations will bring good promotion luck especially in the higher ranking. The monkey on the elephant is ideal figurine to display at work. Place it in South sector of your office to activate your career luck.

SKU: 008003600127
Weight: 640 grams
Height: 18.5 cm
Length: 16.0 cm
Width: 7.5 cm
Make: Resin